Our Adversaries and Enemies
We all have our adversaries and enemies no matter how loving and nice we try to be toward other people. Sometimes, these people can be our family members. Other times, we find adversaries and enemies in our workplace or school setting. Some people feel like they have to oppose us and fight against us for any number of reasons. However, these people are not our real enemies.
Haman was the one who was against the Jewish people in Esther's day. (Esther 7:6) Esther told King Xerxes, her husband, that Haman was the adversary and enemy of her and her people. When she said that Haman grew pale with fright before the king and queen. Haman was being used by Satan to attack the Jews.
People give us problems. They can even threaten our life. However, they are not our real adversary and enemy. Satan and his demons are the real adversaries. (Ephesians 6:12) Satan is against all of us. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10a) He is the one that leads people to be our adversaries and enemies, so he is the one who must be defeated, not people.
Satan is no match for God. He trembles like Haman did when His schemes are uncovered before the king. He can never defeat us, when we stand against Him in God's armor. (Ephesians 6:10-18) Therefore, we have nothing to fear, as long as we stand against Him in God's power, but we must focus on the right adversary and enemy, not on people. We will always win, as we fight the spiritual warfare against Satan as we should.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Esther 8-10 and Job 1.