Both Pray and Work
When we have a problem, some of us just want to pray and have God solve it without us having to lift a finger. That happens sometimes, but not too often. Most of the time God is looking for us to pray like it all depends on Him and to work like it all depends on us. Then, He answers in His way and in His time.
Nehemiah knew this principle of prayer. (Nehemiah 4:9) So when the enemies were going to attack the workers building the wall, He had the people to pray to God and to guard the city day and night to protect themselves. The both prayed and worked.
We can never know God's plan to solve our problems unless we pray and ask Him sincerely to give us His direction and power. Yes, we can ask Him to do it Himself, but we can't count on Him doing it that way. He may know something about the problem or about us that would make it better for Him to use us to solve the problem.
Therefore, we pray and we do what we can do to be part of the answer to our problem if God chooses to use us. We pray for God to give us the right job, but we also go looking for the right job. We ask Him for material blessings to meet our needs, but we also work and save, in case He wants to teach us a lesson and use those things to help us. We just need to know that God knows best, not us. So let's pray and work. Then, we will see God work His way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 5-7.