Our Perspective Makes a Difference
Two of us can look at the exact same event and have totally different perspectives. It depends on whether we are looking at it with a critical heart or a thankful heart. It can also depend on if we are comparing this event with another similar event. Either way, we are affected by our perspective. We could have a positive view or a negative view.
When the people returning from the exile in Babylon rebuilt the foundation of the temple in Jerusalem, there were two perspectives. (Ezra 3:12) Many of the older priests, Levites and other leaders, who had seen the first Temple, wept aloud when they saw the foundation of the new Temple. However, the others were shouting for joy. We can learn a great lesson from this.
We have the choice of being positive about the things that happen, or we can choose to be negative. There are always problems and deficiencies with everything that happens. Nothing can be done perfectly well. We can look on the problems and imperfections, or we can choose to rejoice in the positive aspects of what is being done.
This is really true in church. If we compare things with what happened in the past, we could be very critical. That doesn't help anyone. In fact, it hurts others. We need to be happy for the work of the kingdom that is going on now, and we need to shout for joy about anything we see God accomplishing in our church, even if it doesn't compare with something in our memory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezra 4-7.