Guided Conception
There is nothing random about us. We are not here by accident. People did not just evolve from lower forms of life. God planned and created the whole process of conception and birth, and He guides the conception of each of us. He makes us who we are according to His perfect will.
Job knew this. (Job 10:10-11) He confessed to God that He had guided his conception and formed him in the womb. God had clothed him with skin and knit his bones and sinews together. This is true for every individual person who is ever born into this world.
Life begins at the moment of conception. The Bible makes this clear. It is an act of God in bringing the right egg and the right sperm together to form the person God is forming in His love. He gives each of us our appearance and our personality, so we can be all He designed us to be.
That is why any type of abortion is the taking of a human life. It doesn't matter if it is done by a pill taken the morning after conception or a procedure done to remove the baby. We should always treasure and value every life from the very moment of conception. Let's pray that all people will come to the realization that this is true and honor the sanctity of human life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 11-13.