Giving in Faith
Some of us give out of our abundance. Others of us give in faith. God wants us all to give in faith, whether we are giving our money or our time or our talents. This is a basic principle from the Lord that we see throughout the Bible.
When God sent Elijah to the widow in Zarephath, she only had enough oil and flour for one small meal for her and her son. Then, they would starve to death because of the famine. (I Kings 17:13,15) However, Elijah told her not to be afraid, but to go ahead and use the oil and flour to make a meal, as she said, but to first give him a little bread. Then, she and her son could eat the rest. The widow trusted what the prophet had said. She made the meal for all of them. Then, She and Elijah and her family ate for many days from that supply of oil and flour, because the Lord multiplied it for them.
The widow had to give in faith. She had to trust the prophet, and Elijah was trusting what God had told him. This shows that when we give in faith in what God tells us, He blesses us. He supplies even more for us than we would have had, because He loves to see our faith.
Please, don't just give whenever you have enough money, time, and talent to give some away. Give whatever and whenever God leads you to give. He will bless you in the process. You will find God will multiply your money, time, and talents, because you are exercising faith in Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 18-20.