Despising the Word of God

 Most of us, as believers, would say that we love the Word of God. We learn it from an early age, and we read it for ourselves. Many of us know it pretty well by the time we are teenagers and adults. However, the questions is how many of us keep all of the Word of God? If we intentionally break His Word, we are really despising the Word of God, not loving it.

That is what God asked David. (II Samuel 12:9) God asked David why he had despised the Word of the Lord by doing his horrible deed of murdering Uriah, the Hittite, with the sword of the Ammonites and stealing his wife. I believe there is a solemn lesson for us all in this question.

We despise something when we look down on it. When we break God's Word knowing, we are really looking down on His Word. We are saying that we know better, and God's Word is inferior to our knowledge. That is a direct insult to God and His Word. That is not loving His Word. We can't have it both ways.

When we despise God's Word in this way, we will face severe consequences like David did. God's must uphold His Word. It is our standard for conduct and belief. If He allows us to willfully and knowingly break His Word with impunity, He is leading us into sin. God won't do that. We need to ask the Spirit to convict us of any these sins and repent of them immediately. Then, God will forgive us, even if all the consequences are not taken away, like He did with David.


Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 13-15.

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