A Parent's Love
There is something very special about becoming and being a parent. Whether it is the love of a father or a mother for his or her child, it is a strong bond that is hard to describe in words. Our children can bring us to great heights of elation when they do well, and they can make us very frustrated when they are doing the wrong things. However, our strong love never changes.
That was the love David had for his son Absalom, even though he was trying to take the throne from his father. (II Samuel 18:5) When the army of Israel under Absalom's leadership came to destroy his father David and his men, David have a command to Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, his military leaders, to go gently with young Absalom for David's sake. All of the troops heard him give this order.
David loved his rebellious son who wanted to kill him. He was willing to spare his life, even though his son wanted to murder him. That is how much a parent loves his or her child. They would gladly give their life, so that their child could live. This is true even when the child is making very bad choices.
That is how our Heavenly Father is with all of us. He loves us in our rebellion against Him. He was willing to lay down His life for us when we were still sinners by sending His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to save us and give us eternal life. That is our Father's love for us, and that is the kind of love He plants in the hearts of parents, so we will love our children well and give them every chance to know Him and live forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 19-21.