Suffering Injustice
Life is not fair. I have said that many times. If we expect that we will always be treated well and things will proceed the way we plan, we will be sorely disappointed and angry with life. We must not have that mindset toward life. Instead, we must remember that bad things will happen to good people, but God can bring good out of those things. This will enable us to continue trusting the Lord, no matter what happens to us. If we get angry with God and quit trusting Him, things will always go very badly for us. Joseph's life story is a great example of these truths. Joseph was treated badly by his own brothers, because his father favored him, and he told them his dreams about them bowing down to him. They sold him to Midianite traders, who took him to Egypt and sold Joseph into slavery. (Genesis 37:36) They sold him to Potiphar, who was the captain of the palace guard for Pharoah, king of Egypt. Let's see what we can learn from this to help us in our lives.
It is terrible to be envied and even hated by our siblings, like Joseph. It causes us and our families much hurt. However, we can still be faithful to the Lord while not having the best family life. That is what Joseph did, and that is what we should do. Also, it is very serious when we are mistreated by others. Often, we find others trying to take advantage of us and profiting from our misfortune. We must try to guard against that, but it will still happen. It is part of living in a sinful world. Therefore, we should take it, and keep trusting God. Then, if we find ourselves in a bad job or in bondage to someone or something, even though we have done nothing wrong, we must not give up. We must do our best, continue trusting the Lord, and see what He will do for us. That is what Joseph did, and what happened? God made sure he ended up in the right place to eventually become the second in command in Egypt, so he could save Egypt and his family from a severe seven year famine. He could not see that for at least 13 years, but he stayed faithful, and God brought good out of all his unjust suffering. Let's decide to trust God that way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 39-42.