Seeing the Difference
Christians ought to be different from everyone else in a good way. It should not be that we are negative and against everything and everyone. That is a terrible witness for the Lord. It should be that people can see the blessings and the obvious presence of God in our attitudes and even in our physical appearance. We ought to exude joy and peace. We ought to be examples of how God works in the lives of His children. That is what happened to Isaac as he and his servants interacted with King Abimelech and his men. (Genesis 26:28) The people of Gerar were so convinced that the Lord was with Isaac that they wanted to enter into a sworn treaty with him. They wanted to make a covenant between them. They were sure that God was on his side, so they did not want him to have anything against them in any way. I pray this is a lesson for us today.
Can people see Jesus in us? Can they hear His grace and mercy in our voice? Can they see how we have a better life because the Lord is with us? We see this in the lives of many of the believers we read about in the Bible, and it should be the same for us today. Non-believers should want to be our friends. People who don't know the Lord should seek us out when they have a need or a question, because they know we are in touch with God. It should make it much easier for us to share the gospel with them, too. As the old saying goes, "Seeing is believing." People won't believe what we say very easily, unless they see us living out our relationship with the Lord. I pray we will all make sure to "Live and Love like Jesus" this year. That will make 2023 a wonderful year.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 27-29.