Giving God the Glory
If we really see things the right way, we will never take credit for anything good we do. None of us can do anything good on our own. Every ability we have comes from God. Every good opportunity we have was given to us by the Lord. We need to realize these things and simply follow the Lord, giving Him all the glory for all He does for us. That is exactly what Joseph did when he revealed his identity to his brothers in Egypt. (Genesis 25:8) He told them it was God who sent him there, not them; and it was God who made him an adviser to Pharaoh - the manager of his entire palace and the governor of all Egypt. As Joseph looked back on his life, he knew it was all God's doing. We should see our lives the same way.
As we read this account of Joseph and his brothers, did you notice that Joseph did not get angry with His brothers? Did you notice he did not become proud of himself when he became the governor over all Egypt? If we give God all of the glory for the things that happen in our lives, we won't have a reason to get angry with other people. We will realize that whatever happens to us, whether good or bad, God has allowed it or caused it for a purpose. The people around us are either guided by the world, the flesh, or the devil when they treat us badly. We must not react toward them in the same way they treated us. There is no reason to get angry. We should love them and show them how to know Jesus. Also, we should never be overcome with pride in ourselves for the same reason. It is God who is working in our life to bring the good things for us and our family. Yes, we have to obey and do our part, but we could do nothing good without Him. Therefore, let's be quick to give God all the glory all the time, and our lives will be so much better.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 47-49.