Encountering God
Perhaps the most life changing events are when we encounter God, face to face, so to speak. Yes, there are times when God comes to us in unmistakable ways. We hear Him speak to us, or He reveals something to us in a powerful way to direct our lives in His will. It happened many times in the Bible times, and it still happens today. We should never forget these times, and we should revisit them from time to time to see how God has worked and to know His direction for us now. That is exactly what happened to Jacob when he got back home. God directed him to go back to Bethel. (Genesis 35:7) When Jacob arrived at Bethel, he built an altar of worship, and he named the place El-bethel, which means "God of Bethel" because God had appeared to him there when he was fleeing from his brother Esau. Let's take a few moments today and go back to the Bethels in our lives.
I can distinctly remember times at Peachcrest Baptist Church in Decatur when I encountered God. I heard from him in Mr. Johns Sunday school class for junior boys, in Vacation Bible School, and in worship services. He clearly told me I needed to trust Jesus as my Lord and Savior, which I did at age 14. Then, I encountered God on Midway Road, as I rode with my best friend, Jim, and God spoke a definite call to the ministry to me. On late night walks I came in touch with God in various ways and times, too. At Latham Springs Baptist camp I heard God speak to me through a verse shared by another pastor, Psalm 37:4. These are just a few times in my younger years, but there are still those times that are special encounters with God to this day, in church services, in conferences, in my Unhurried times. From time to time I do go back and worship God, like Jacob, thanking Him for being so real to me and speaking to me, so I knew His will for my life. What a blessing! I pray we will all do this reflection today. It will be a blessing.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 36-38.