Works and Greater Works

 We have been talking about living and loving like Jesus. That is our focus at North Henry for the next year or more. I am afraid that many Christians do not believe this is possible. I am not sure they even realize it is what is expected of all who believe. However, the Bible is very clear on this point, both in the Gospels and in the rest of the New Testament. Before Jesus went to the Cross that is what He told His disciples. (John 14:21) Jesus emphasized the point by saying, "Truly, I tell you." He did not want them to miss what He was about to say. Jesus told them the one who believes in Him will also do "the works I do." Then, Jesus went on to say that he (the believer) will do even greater works than these, because He was going to the Father. I am not sure how Jesus could have made it any more clear that we, as believers, will live and love like Him. Please, take time to let this sink in today.

Jesus taught the truth to everyone He could. He said what the Father gave Him to say. He saw people saved, like the woman at the well and many people from the crowds to whom He spoke. He cared for the sick and healed them. He cast out demons. Jesus went about doing all kinds of good works. That is what we will do when we really come to know Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8-10) Then, Jesus made it clear that we can go places He did not go. We can see even more people saved and helped, because He went back to the Father and sent us the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Spirit, the disciples saw 3,000 people saved in one day on Pentecost. The gospel spread from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth. We see that still happening today. The question is, "How are we doing at living and loving like Jesus so that we do His works and even greater works than He did?" If we do not see that happening we need to make sure we are saved. Then, we need to make sure we are fully surrendered to Jesus, growing in Him daily, and doing all He shows us to do continually.


Tomorrow, I intend to read John 15-18.

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