That You and Your Children May Prosper Forever
Prosperity is the goal of most people. When they think of prosperity, they think of being very rich and being able to live a life of luxury. Because of this view of being prosperous, they do whatever they can do to make money and to save up as much as possible. This leads them to be busy, too busy for their family and for the things in life that really matter. They think if they can just reach prosperity, then, they can take it easy and enjoy life for a while. Most of the time, nothing like this is ever the result. Even when people are able to make a lot of money, it doesn't bring them into meaningful prosperity. God's plan for our prosperity is the best and only plan that bears eternal fruit. (Deuteronomy 12:28) That is why Moses told the people of Israel to be careful to do all that he was commanding them. If they did that faithfully, they could be sure that they and their children would prosper forever. The key to God's prosperity is doing what is good and right in the sight of the Lord. Then, He will bless us with prosperity forever.
All material wealth comes from God, as I have told us. It belongs to Him, and we are simply given His money to be stewards or managers of it. God gives us more based on how we use the money according to His will. I know some ungodly people have a lot of money, and that seems to contradict this, but it doesn't. God gives them the money they are worshiping, and it takes them farther from Him instead of bringing them closer, since that is what they choose. Either way, wealth can be a blessing or a curse, based on how we use it. If we obey God and keep His commands, not only will He meet our physical needs, we will come to know Christ as Lord and Savior. Then, we have come to true prosperity. God is our Father, and He will provide everything we need in this life. Jesus is our Lord and Savior, so He saves us from our sins and takes us to heaven when we die. Then, we live in the most wonderful place of joy and happiness forever with Him. What could be a better picture of prosperity. This can be true for all of us and our children, if we will not focus on money, but on the Lord and His will for our lives. Let's decide to do what is good and right in His sight and see what happens. He is faithful!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 13-15.