Be Careful and Don't Forget
We really do have it easy here in America. We have abundant freedoms. We have good jobs and enough money to meet our needs. We go to stores filled with food and other necessities of life, so we have all we need. We live in nice houses, and many people can remodel them frequently to include all of the latest conveniences. However, because of this being the case, we can fall into pride over what we have, and we can forget that it all came from the Lord. Yes, that is correct. God is the Source of all we have. This is what Moses warned the Israelites about before they entered the Promised Land. (Deuteronomy 8:12,14) He knew they would be able to eat and to be full. He knew they would build beautiful homes in which to live. Therefore, he warned them to be careful and not allow their hearts to become proud and forget that it was God would brought them out of Egypt and out of slavery. They did not accomplish all of their wealth by themselves, and neither do we.
Pride is a dangerous condition. It leads us away from God and away from being righteous in so many ways. We start to think that we have worked hard, and all that we have is ours to enjoy as we see fit. That is not true at all. We did not work hard on our own. God gave us the strength and the breath to live and work, so we owe Him the praise for anything we have been able to do through working. We can believe that it is our own ability that enabled us to earn money, so that we have more than enough of everything we need to live each day. That is not the case, either. If God doesn't give us the ability to think and to earn money, we will not have any of those pleasures. Therefore, we must never allow pride to well up, so that we forget God. It is only because of the Lord that we are not slaves to sin and all of the troubles sin brings. It is only through Jesus' death that we have been set free, and now we can live the abundant life. We must thank Him daily for every good thing we have, and we must always give Him all of the credit. Then, He will see that out heart is right and be able to bless us in other ways, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 9-12.