Our Soul Abiding in Prosperity
There is a false teaching that has been around several years that we call the "Prosperity Gospel." The main teaching is that God wants all of His children to have prosperity and have everything they desire. This teaching is very destructive. It takes the emphasis off of being redeemed by the blood of Jesus and puts the spotlight on the things of this life. This is not what the Bible teaches. God will not honor this doctrine, but He does want our soul to prosper. (Psalm 25:12-13) David knew the truth about how God wants us to prosper. We need to hear what David had learned and apply it in our own lives. That way, all of us can have souls that prosper.
If we wish to have a soul that prospers, we must begin with the fear of the Lord. We must so reverence the Lord that we do what He says out of a healthy respect for His wisdom and power. We must honor Him by obeying Him fully, since we know He is the One who punishes the unfaithful. If we fear the Lord, He will instruct us in the way we should choose. Life is a series of choices. Our choices determine the quality of our life. If we choose the way God directs us to choose, our soul will abide in prosperity. First of all, we will be saved from our sins by trusting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Thereby, we prosper spiritually. Secondly, the right choices lead to God's will being done. He blesses every life lived well, so we have plenty of what we need, and we even have an inheritance for our descendants because God taught us to lay up an inheritance for our children and grandchildren. It may be land, money, or prized possessions. That way we even share the prosperity of our soul with our family. This is a picture of a truly blessed, prosperous soul.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 26-28.