Be Glad in the Lord and Rejoice !

 Have your sins been forgiven? Is your sin covered by the blood of Jesus? If so, you are among the most blessed people in the whole world! However, often we forget how blessed we are to know the Lord and have our transgressions forgiven. We only think of the physical and financial blessings, not the spiritual ones. I think we have it backwards. We should be glad in the Lord and rejoice that we are righteous before God. (Psalm 32:1,11) David knew this, and he practiced rejoicing in the Lord. He shouted for joy, because he had an upright heart. David was so right to react to His relationship with the Lord in this way. We all need to take a hint from David and rejoice in the fact that we are right with God. What a blessing!

Our biggest problem is sin. If our sins are not forgiven, we are at odds with God. Our relationship with Him is broken, and we can't receive the blessings He wants to give us. He does His best to show us that there is a way to be forgiven and for our sins to be covered. However, many people fail to listen to the revelation of God and their lives get farther and farther from Him. They have no peace, and no joy. For those of us who hear the Lord speaking to our heart, and we put our trust in Jesus to forgive our sins and be the Lord of our life, we are very blessed. That is the greatest thing that can happen to any person at any time. We ought to be glad and rejoice in the Lord every day, because we are righteous. We need to shout for joy that we are upright in heart, since our heart is clean and we can draw near to God. Let's never neglect to be glad and rejoice in the Lord for standing clean before Him forever.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 33 -36. 

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