The Portion of My Inheritance

 What are you counting on to support you in your older years? Is there a pension from your job, or are you counting on Social Security? I know some people are counting on a large inheritance. Be very careful what you are depending upon, because all of these things can be gone in an instant. Companies go bankrupt, or they do not fund their pensions as they should. Of course, our government could even go under, after all we are 30 trillion dollars in debt right now. The government could even tax your inheritance or 401(k) down to the point it could not sustain you. So what should we do? David had the right perspective on this. (Psalm 16:5) The richest man of his time said that the Lord was the portion of his inheritance, not money. In fact, God was the cup of his blessings, the source of what he needed. He was depending on God to support him and his needs. I believe this is a truth for all of us today.

When we know the Lord Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, we are joint-heirs with Him of all that is laid up for us in heaven. What could be better than that? Yes, we need money before we get to heaven, too. He is our cup. He is the One who knows best how to care for all of our needs. He owns everything in the universe, and He can supply it to us, just at the right time and right way. As we trust Him, He is the One who guards what we have from any outside interference. God is the Only One to trust with our future, our salvation in heaven and everything we will need before we get there. I pray we will take this lesson from king David, and then, we will be able to rest easy every night, knowing He is in control.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 17-19.

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