My Help
Jesus' death on the cross was painful and humiliating beyond anything we can comprehend. He did not have to endure the suffering and shame, but He wanted to give Himself for us out of His great love. It was the only way we could have our sins forgiven. He had to die and pay the full price for the sins of the world required by the Father. Jesus paid it all that we could have life eternal. It was not easy. (Psalm 22:18,19) His clothes were taken from Him. They divided His garments among the soldiers, except for His special one piece robe for which they cast lots. All the while Jesus was praying for the Father to be close to Him, and to hasten to assist Him, to be His Help in time of great need. God was there for Jesus, just like He is there for us.
We all suffer pain and humiliating circumstances in our lives. It should comfort us to know that there is a Savior who completely understands our plight, because He experienced much worse than we ever will. Now, He is there praying for us and ready to intervene in our life. He is our help when others ridicule us and even rob us of our dignity. He is there to hasten to our assistance when we are hurt or we fall into an accident or have a disease. We should cry out to Him each day, asking that He be not far from us, just like He prayed to the Father from the Cross. Then, we can know that He hears and responds with a sympathetic ear for whatever we are experiencing. Thank You, Lord Jesus!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 23-25.