The Levites and Us
The tribe of Levi was set apart by God to be the ones who kept charge of the tabernacle. (Numbers 1:53) It was a very special honor that came with its privileges and its responsibilities. They were to be the only ones who set up the tabernacle and took it down. No one else could touch any of it or carry any of it. If they did the wrath of God would come against that person. This was God's dwelling place among His people, and the tribe of Levi was selected for this service. They did not have to go to war, and they had special cities in which to live, along with fields set aside for them. However, they did not own land, because their inheritance was the Lord, Himself. Sounds like a huge responsibility and honor to me.
Today, we do not have the tabernacle or the Temple in which to worship God. Now, we have the church. The church is made up of people, not buildings and furnishings. Now, all believers are set aside by God for His service, and we are to do it by serving in the church body in the way God calls us and gifts us. However, each believer has a responsibility to carry out. No one is left out. That is why the Lord calls the church the Body of Christ. Christ is the Head, and each of us are members of the body, so we can work together to get His will done in this world. This is the most important responsibility anyone could ever have. We must serve out of love and a sense that what we do is of eternal significance. If we fail, the church fails. If the church fails, the people of the world are lost in their sins forever. I pray we will take our service very seriously like the Levites did in the Old Covenant, and I pray God will be happy with us, instead of being angry with us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 3-6.