Loving Your Countryman
The laws of the Old Testament are very interesting to me. I love to see what God commanded for them, and see the principles behind those commands that we should recognize today. One such law was about how to treat a fellow citizen of Israel, a countryman, who became so poor that he sold himself to the person he owed. (Leviticus 25:39,40) The Lord gave some very good guidelines for this situation. He was not to be subjected to a slave's service, but he was to be treated as a hired man. This same law applied to sojourners in the land of Israel, too. Then, when the year of jubilee came once every 50 years, he was to be set free from his service. I think this gives us something to consider in our country today.
There are many different types of people in the U.S.A. today. We are a very diverse country. However, we are all Americans. I believe the Lord wants us to be united together, so that we regard our fellow countrymen and women with great respect. Even when other citizens have difficulties financially or otherwise, we must not mistreat them or take advantage of their situation. We should be quick to reach out and help them up, not just give them a hand-out. We should want all citizens to prosper. That is what was so good about the year of jubilee when the land reverted to its previous owner and the slaves were set free. No one should have to be in bondage forever. There always should be the hope of being self-sustaining and having a profitable life. That is a tangible way to love our neighbor and our country.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 26-27 and Numbers 1-2.