Perfect Sacrifices
The Israelites offered all kinds of sacrifices to the Lord. It was God's means of atonement for them, and it was their way of worshiping God. Unfortunately, the people got lax in their sacrifices. They either did not offer them at all, or they would offer lame, blind, or otherwise defective animals to the Lord. That was a direct offense to Him. He expected them to give their best and to do it from a pure heart. That is why God inspired Moses to tell the people that they were only to offer perfect sacrifices to Him. (Leviticus 22:21) There were to be no defects in the animals offered or in the way they were offered. This same truth applies to us in our sacrifices for the Lord today.
Whatever we offer to the Lord must be the best we have. God is worthy of nothing less than our best. I know none of us are perfect, but we can offer things to God which have no defects. When we give our service to God, it must come from a pure heart, and it must be done out of love for Him and for others. Then, it is accepted by God. Also, when we give our offerings of money, those offerings must be from the first of our increase, and they must come from a willing, cheerful heart. I think our worship in song and word is especially important in this way. (Hebrews 13:15) We are to continually offer Him the sacrifice of praise. That praise must flow from a sincere heart that loves Him and is thankful for all He has done for us. Anything else is a defective sacrifice. It is not our best. It is less than He deserves. Let's make sure all of our sacrifices to the Lord are perfect in His eyes.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 23-25.