No Injustice
Our God is a Righteous God. He always makes the right decisions, and He judges rightly. The Bible tells us that He does not show partiality based on a person's appearance or their socio-economic status. He makes all of His decisions based only on right and wrong. God commands us to do the same. (Leviticus 19:15) We are to do no injustice in judgment. It is wrong for us to be partial to the poor or to defer to the great. God commands us to judge all people fairly. This was God's law for His people Israel, and I believe it is the best way for us today, as individuals, churches, and a country.
Our nation is a nation of laws, just like Israel in the Old Covenant. We are to have liberty and justice for all. The laws and rules are to be applied to all of us fairly, not being partial to any one group or segment of society. However, I believe we are getting away from what our Constitution and the laws say. By trying to correct the injustices of the past, we are giving preference to certain groups of people. The result is an injustice to the other groups. I believe God's way to stop the injustice according to His Word would be to resume equal justice with no partiality. Then, each person is free to live and be responsible for making the best life for himself and his family that he can. It seems to me that any other system is based on prejudice toward one group or another and against the other groups. All prejudice is wrong. It leads to injustice, so we must see all people as those created in God's image, who deserve our love, respect, and our fair judgment in every way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 20-22.