A Beautiful Blessing
We do not think about pronouncing blessings on people much today, but it is very Biblical. We find all types of blessings being given to others in the Bible. It is a way of asking God to bless that person, and it is very encouraging to them. I think we should do it more. The blessing that God gave Aaron and his sons, the priests, to use for the sons of Israel would be a great guide for us. (Numbers 6:23-26) It is a beautiful blessing in how it is wording, but the main thing is the meaning behind the words.
We all need the Lord to bless us and keep us in His care. Without Him we are lost and undone. Wouldn't it be great if God's face would shine upon us all of the time? Can't you just see Him smiling at us? That would be very satisfying for us. Of course, we all need His grace upon us, not just for salvation, but we always need more given to us than we deserve. It is a blessing to imagine God's eyes to being on us, so that He is examining us, ready to help us in any way we need Him. Finally, we are all in need of His peace. God's peace is not just the absence of conflict like the world talks about. His peace is the comfort and stability He gives us in the midst of conflicts in our lives. This is my blessing and my prayer for all of you today and every day. God bless you!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 7-9.