Be Holy
Most people have the wrong idea about what it means to be holy. For many people it conjures up the image of being a monk in a monastery. Others think that only saints can be holy, but not all Christians. Of course, both of these views are very incorrect. Being holy is to be different from this world and those who do not follow the Lord. It is being set apart from the world to serve the Lord. In the Old Testament it meant keeping the laws found in God's Word. This included the dietary laws and the laws concerning leprosy. However, there was another reason God called on them to be holy. (Leviticus 11:45) God was the One who brought them out of the land of Egypt, so He could be their God. He delivered them from the bondage of slavery, so they could live in the Promised Land, and He could be their God. Since that was the case, Israel belonged to God, so they needed to be like God. Since God is holy, they were to be holy in order that they would be like Him. There is a direct parallel for us today, as well.
Jesus is the One who came to save us by dying for us and rising again. Once we trust Him as our Lord and Savior, we belong to Him and His Family. He is the One who delivered us from sin, so we owe our lives to Him. Because this is the case now, we are to be holy like His is holy. We are to be different in our attitudes and actions, so others can see that Jesus in us and be saved, too. We are to be holy, because He is holy, and He is our Lord. When we are holy, we will not do the wrong things which are sins, but we will put others ahead of ourselves, and we will do the right things for the Lord and them. This will make us much different , but it will make us much more joyful, too. I pray that we will all choose to be holy before the Lord each day and walk in His way This is the way to the abundant Christian life, here and in heaven.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 14-16.