Showers of Blessing
We used to sing a hymn entitled, "Showers of Blessing." I always enjoyed the tune and the words. It was a very honest plea for the Lord to pour out showers of blessings on us. I believe that should be the desire of our heart every day. We can't live this life on our own. We need to experience God's showers. That is what the Lord told Peter to share with the people in Acts 3 after he and John and healed the lame man on the way to the temple for prayer. (Acts 3:19) This verse holds the keys to God's showers of blessing. Let's consider what it says very closely.
It is always time to change our ways, if our ways are not God's ways. When we live out of fellowship with God, we will not have His blessing on our lives. Therefore, we must change our ways. We call that change "repentance." It means to turn from our ways and turn to God. It is a change of mind that leads to a change in our actions. God will not force us to turn to Him and away from sin. We have to choose to do that, and then, He will help us with the rest. When we turn to Him and confess our sins, He will wipe away our sins. (I John 1:9) Then, God sees we are clean before Him, and He pours out the showers of blessings to refresh us. If we need refreshing, it always starts with changing our ways, so we are facing God and walking with Him in His way every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 4-7.