Giving Our Best to God

When we drift from the Lord, one of things that begins to happen is that we do not want to worship Him, and when we do, we do it in a half-hearted, dutiful way. That is what happened in Israel. When they got away from the Lord, they would take animals that were blind, crippled, mutilated, and those that had running sores, or the mange to present to the Lord. God told Moses to tell them that He knew the difference, and He would not accept those offerings. (Leviticus 22:21,22) We must not fool ourselves into thinking that God doesn't see what we are doing today.

God is worthy! He is Lord of all, Creator of the Universe. Jesus Christ is the Redeemer. He loved us and gave His own blood for us to be saved from our sins. He is worthy of all praise and thanks. When we go to worship, the only offering that God will receive well is when we give Him the best we have. This means we give Him our whole heart in devotion. It is when we give Him our whole mind and say, "Lord, show me just what you want me to do, and I will do it." It is when we give Him the best expressions of praise through our songs and prayers. If we do anything less, we dishonor our great God. I pray that we will all understand this spiritual principle. Worship must be genuine and of the highest quality. He deserves our best, because He gave His best for us.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 23-25.

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