Caring for Others Like a Father

When Paul founded the church at Thessalonica, he put in much love and care for all of the people. He cared for them, as a father cares for his own children. (I Thessalonians 2:11,12) That is a great word picture for us in the church. We need to have this same care for other brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as, for those in the church and community who need to come to know the Lord. Let's take a few minutes to consider the love of a father for his children and how that applies to us.

A father's love is deep, but it is different from the love of a mother. God gave mothers a special ability to love their children with a tender love and to nourish them physically and emotionally in ways that are hard for most men. it actually says here in this chapter that Paul loved the Thessalonians in that way, too.  However, the love of a father is still essential for children. Fathers encourage their children a lot like a coach inspires the players to achieve their best and to work together to win the game. A loving father encourages his children to succeed in life. We need to encourage others to know the Lord and to grow in the Lord to be mature believers. Also, a father comforts his children when they are hurt or when they fail. Failure is not final, unless we give up. We need to comfort each other, so no one will give up striving to be like Jesus. Finally, a father implores his children to live a worthy life, to be a productive member of the family and of society. No father wants to have irresponsible children. We need to remind each other that we must live lives that are worthy of God, our Father, and of being citizens of His kingdom in this world. In fact, we should live, so that we are ready to go to heaven and stand before God. I pray that we will care for others in these ways, because we all need spiritual fathers, just like we need our earth fathers.

Tomorrow, I intend to read I Thessalonians 3-5 and II Thessalonians 1.

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