Our Assignments
When we go to school, it is very important for us to keep up with all of our assignments and complete them to the best of our ability. That is how we receive grades for the classes, and it is how we get credit for all of our work, so we can get a diploma or a degree. Life is a lot the same way for us as believers. When we come to know Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit to lead us and empower us to do His will. He shows us our assignments for our lives. He uses the Bible, prayer, and other people to communicate those assignments to us. Then, we need to keep up with them and complete them in the power and direction of the Spirit. It is upon these things that we will be judged by Jesus at the end of our lives. Paul found this out soon after he was saved on the road to Damascus. (Acts 22:10) Let's consider what God is saying to all of us through this example.
We are not saved to sit in a pew. We are saved from our sins to honor the Lord and to serve Him as His ambassadors and witnesses of what He has done in us and for us. Each of us has specific things God has prepared for us to do. These assignments are not too much for us or too hard, if we are trusting in Him and allowing the Spirit to fill us. However, we have to listen to Him intently on a daily basis, so we know the assignments and make plans to do them well. If we fail to listen or to complete them, we fail in our purpose and the Judgment Day will not be a good experience for us. However, if we do them, we have the possibility to hear from our Lord Jesus, "Well done, My good and faithful servant." I pray that we will all hear that praise for how we did our assignments in the school of life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 23-26.
We are not saved to sit in a pew. We are saved from our sins to honor the Lord and to serve Him as His ambassadors and witnesses of what He has done in us and for us. Each of us has specific things God has prepared for us to do. These assignments are not too much for us or too hard, if we are trusting in Him and allowing the Spirit to fill us. However, we have to listen to Him intently on a daily basis, so we know the assignments and make plans to do them well. If we fail to listen or to complete them, we fail in our purpose and the Judgment Day will not be a good experience for us. However, if we do them, we have the possibility to hear from our Lord Jesus, "Well done, My good and faithful servant." I pray that we will all hear that praise for how we did our assignments in the school of life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 23-26.