Giving an Account to God
I have never had to give an account of myself to a human judge in a courtroom. I was a witness once, but it wasn't about me. However, I have been in the courtroom when the judge has looked at the defendant and asked him what he had to say for himself. It was a pretty tense, emotional moment, and it was hard to know just what to say, I am sure. However, one day we will all have to do this before God, the Supreme Judge of the whole universe. (Romans 14:12) I wonder how we will do in that sacred accounting for our lives? I would say that is pretty important to consider.
We are responsible for how we live our lives. We can't blame our sins and problems on other people. We have the choice to do what we think is best, and that is what God will judge us on. Please, remember the Judgment is not to decide if we are saved or not. Once we die, our sins are either forgiven or not. We will not be able to talk God into anything. This accounting time will be for us to explain why we did what we did and either get God's approval or disapproval for our actions in life. It is essential for us to realize God will be looking to see if we did what He wanted us to do and if we did it the way He wanted us to do it. Therefore, it is very important for us to be able to discern God's will and to be filled with the Spirit to do it well. I pray we are all pursuing these things daily, and we will be able to give our accounting well. If we fail to do this, it will be a very sad time, but if we are diligent to seek God and do His will, this will be a great time for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Romans 15-16 and I Corinthians 1.
We are responsible for how we live our lives. We can't blame our sins and problems on other people. We have the choice to do what we think is best, and that is what God will judge us on. Please, remember the Judgment is not to decide if we are saved or not. Once we die, our sins are either forgiven or not. We will not be able to talk God into anything. This accounting time will be for us to explain why we did what we did and either get God's approval or disapproval for our actions in life. It is essential for us to realize God will be looking to see if we did what He wanted us to do and if we did it the way He wanted us to do it. Therefore, it is very important for us to be able to discern God's will and to be filled with the Spirit to do it well. I pray we are all pursuing these things daily, and we will be able to give our accounting well. If we fail to do this, it will be a very sad time, but if we are diligent to seek God and do His will, this will be a great time for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Romans 15-16 and I Corinthians 1.