Rescued Through the Fire

God has many ways to work in our lives. Sometimes, He delivers us from trouble. He causes us not to have to go through the trial. However, other times He rescues us through the trial, not from it. I believe that many people focus completely on being rescued from their trials. They do not want to have to trust the Lord by going through the trial in His strength. That way of thinking causes us to miss some of the greatest blessings in life. Just think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were willing to violate the king's command and risk their lives, because they would not worship any god except the true God. (Daniel 3:28) Because of their faith, they found out that God could rescue them through the fire. They experienced the power of God to keep them from burning to death in the furnace. In fact, when they came out there was not even any smoke smell on them. They would never have experienced that if they had not trusted God enough to risk their lives for Him. What about us?

We all have trials in our lives. Are we willing to trust God so much that we will go through anything He allows into our lives? Yes, it is wonderful for God to stop the trial from coming, but that takes less faith, and we see the power of God less than when we are taken through the trial by His power. When the three Hebrew men were in the furnace either an angel or Jesus Himself was with them. They were privileged to know the presence of God to protect them. All of this because they were willing to trust the Lord completely. I pray that our trust for the Lord Jesus would be this strong. I pray that we would all come to know the power of God even more by going through the trials with Him. Then, we have a testimony to tell others and give all of the glory to the Lord.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 4-6.

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