God's Plan Made Clear
I am sure that Ezekiel 40-42 are very confusing to many of us. We wonder why the Lord is showing Ezekiel another temple that is so much different from the temples of the past. Jesus died once for all of the sins of the world. Why will there need to be more grain and animal sacrifices in the future? (Ezekiel 42:13) Those are great questions, but the answer is fairly simple, if we stop to think. The Lord Jesus will reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years after the Tribulation. All of the Jews will have been gathered back to the land. Then, the Lord Jesus will take His place in the great hall of the temple, and He will explain the plan of God from the Old Covenant completely. He will show them how every sacrifice and offering pointed the Jews to Him, but most of them missed God's plan. That way, they will see God's plan clearly and be able to trust in Jesus even more. That is how God does things for us, isn't it?
Have you ever misunderstood God's plan? I am sure we have all been confused at times in our lives. At those points the Lord calls us back to the beginning and reveals His way to us, so we can see what we missed. That is what Jesus did when He talked to the disciples on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection. (Luke 24:27) He went back to Moses and to all of the Prophets to show them all things concerning Himself. He can and will do the same for any of us, if we are sincerely searching for the truth. God does not make His plan difficult. His plan is meant to be clear. We are the ones who obscure the revelation because we have hard hearts, or we look at things our way, instead of His way. (Isaiah 55:8,9) Therefore, if things are unclear, run to the Lord, open His Word, and sit quietly before Him as your Teacher. Listen as He shows how everything points to Him as Lord of all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 43-45.
Have you ever misunderstood God's plan? I am sure we have all been confused at times in our lives. At those points the Lord calls us back to the beginning and reveals His way to us, so we can see what we missed. That is what Jesus did when He talked to the disciples on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection. (Luke 24:27) He went back to Moses and to all of the Prophets to show them all things concerning Himself. He can and will do the same for any of us, if we are sincerely searching for the truth. God does not make His plan difficult. His plan is meant to be clear. We are the ones who obscure the revelation because we have hard hearts, or we look at things our way, instead of His way. (Isaiah 55:8,9) Therefore, if things are unclear, run to the Lord, open His Word, and sit quietly before Him as your Teacher. Listen as He shows how everything points to Him as Lord of all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 43-45.