Consecrated Priests Who Keep God's Charge

The sons of Zadok, the priests, will have a special plot of land in the city of Jerusalem during the Millennium. It will be right next to the plot of land where the temple will be built. This special blessing will be bestowed on them, because they were the consecrated priests who kept the Lord's charge, instead of going astray like the Levites did when Israel went astray. (Ezekiel 48:11) I believe there is a powerful lesson in this truth for believers today. Let me take a moment to explain.

All believers today are priests before God. We can go directly to God with our prayers. We can intercede for others in prayer, and we can bring people to know the Lord. We can do this since we know Him, and we can relate to people around us. We can introduce them to the Lord, so they can know Him, too. We are all priests, but are we consecrated priests who keep God's charge? That is the choice each of us has to make. The word consecrated means to be set apart for service to God. It means to be separated from the things of this world, even though we live in the world. If we are set apart, we will not follow the ways of this world, like most people, even other believers, follow them. We will keep God's charge to live for Him and impact other lives for Him. Therefore, I ask us all to reflect on how we are living. Are we consecrated priests? Are we keeping God's charge? If we will do that, God will be faithful to give us special blessings here and in heaven, too.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 1-3.

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