Isaiah's Prayer
Isaiah was a great prophet. He must have been a great pray-er, too. I say that because of this short prayer thrown into his message about how God would act toward Jerusalem and her enemies. (Isaiah 33:2) I believe it shows us many things about how we should pray. It is not that we should simply pray his words. However, since the Holy Spirit was inspired to have Isaiah's prayer recorded in God's Word, we know that God's blessing is upon it, and we can learn much from it. Let's take a few minutes to digest this prayer and apply what we see.
When we address God, we should always be looking at Him as the Lord, no matter what title we use to address Him. I say "Dear Heavenly Father" most of the time, because He is our Father, who is in Heaven, like Jesus said in the Lord's Prayer. However, His Lordship is attached to His Fatherhood. He is the Father of all, because He is the Creator of all. He is Lord of all, whether we have made Him our personal Lord or not. We always need to humbly ask for His grace. We all need for the Lord to give us more than we deserve. As we pray, we must wait at His feet. Our waiting is the sure expectation of His answer that will be coming. We need to recognize our need for His strength every morning and ask Him for it. Then, we need to ask Him to be our Salvation, our Deliverer, in time of trouble. All of these requests communicate to the Lord that we can't make it without Him, but with His aid we can't be defeated. What a marvelous prayer! Let's be mindful to pray like this often.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 34-36.
When we address God, we should always be looking at Him as the Lord, no matter what title we use to address Him. I say "Dear Heavenly Father" most of the time, because He is our Father, who is in Heaven, like Jesus said in the Lord's Prayer. However, His Lordship is attached to His Fatherhood. He is the Father of all, because He is the Creator of all. He is Lord of all, whether we have made Him our personal Lord or not. We always need to humbly ask for His grace. We all need for the Lord to give us more than we deserve. As we pray, we must wait at His feet. Our waiting is the sure expectation of His answer that will be coming. We need to recognize our need for His strength every morning and ask Him for it. Then, we need to ask Him to be our Salvation, our Deliverer, in time of trouble. All of these requests communicate to the Lord that we can't make it without Him, but with His aid we can't be defeated. What a marvelous prayer! Let's be mindful to pray like this often.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 34-36.