1,000 Years to Fulfill the Promises
This year as we have focused on God's promises, we have seen how God always keeps His promises. He is faithful, even when His people are not faithful. That is the plot of the Old Testament. God called Israel to be His people, and He promised them many things. However, they rebelled against God and went after idols, so He had to punish them and postpone the fulfillment of some of the promises. Then, when Jesus returns to reign on this earth for 1,000 years, God will fulfill those promises gloriously. He will cause the desert to blossom. The glory and splendor of the Lord will be seen. (Isaiah 35:1,2) What a faithful God we serve!
It is hard to image how much God loves His children. Jesus is waiting for the Father to tell Him to come receive all of the believers up to heaven. That will not happen until the last of the Gentiles are saved. After that time of the Rapture, the Jewish people who are alive will be saved.(Romans 11:25-27) They will be gathered back to the Holy Land where God will protect them from the Anti-Christ's armies, until they all march against Jerusalem. Jesus will return to defeat them. (Revelation 19:11-21), and we will come with Him to reign with Him 1,000 years. (Revelation 20:1-5)The earth will be much different. The lion and the lamb will lay down together. People will live long lives. All will go up to worship Jesus in person in Jerusalem. What a glorious time is coming, as God fulfills His promises. Those of us who know Christ will get to be a a part of this kingdom on earth. Then, once the 1,000 years are over, we will dwell with Christ in the heavenly New Jerusalem forever. God's plan is so wonderful and so perfect. Please, do not miss out. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Trust Him today!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 37-39.
It is hard to image how much God loves His children. Jesus is waiting for the Father to tell Him to come receive all of the believers up to heaven. That will not happen until the last of the Gentiles are saved. After that time of the Rapture, the Jewish people who are alive will be saved.(Romans 11:25-27) They will be gathered back to the Holy Land where God will protect them from the Anti-Christ's armies, until they all march against Jerusalem. Jesus will return to defeat them. (Revelation 19:11-21), and we will come with Him to reign with Him 1,000 years. (Revelation 20:1-5)The earth will be much different. The lion and the lamb will lay down together. People will live long lives. All will go up to worship Jesus in person in Jerusalem. What a glorious time is coming, as God fulfills His promises. Those of us who know Christ will get to be a a part of this kingdom on earth. Then, once the 1,000 years are over, we will dwell with Christ in the heavenly New Jerusalem forever. God's plan is so wonderful and so perfect. Please, do not miss out. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Trust Him today!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 37-39.