Anger Revisited

I have written on the dangers of anger many times here in this blog. I have a firm conviction that we cause ourselves and others much trouble when we get angry. Anger can be so destructive. We must be in control of our emotions so we stop anger before it comes out in our words and actions. That is just what God showed Solomon. (Ecclesiastes 7:9) Since we all are tempted to get angry with others, we need to consider what this verse reveals.

We must not allow our spirit to rush to be angry. This is possible if the Holy Spirit is in control of our spirit. Then, when we feel anger rising up in us, we can ask the Spirit to give us the power to hold it down, and we can ask Him to replace that anger with compassion and mercy. He is able, and He will do that for us, because He does not want us to sin by being angry with people. He will give us love for very unlovable people, if we ask Him. Also, we need to know that anger abides in the heart of fools. Do we want to have in our heart the same thing a fool has in his heart? I don't think so. Whatever we allow to abide in our heart is going to find its way out in our words and eventually in our actions. Therefore, we must "let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice; and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave us." (Ephesians 4:31-32)  Whatever we do, we must not allow anger to abide in our hearts. If we find it there, we must confess it, repent of it, and ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse us of it completely.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Ecclesiastes 8-10.

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