What are You Made of?
Sometimes, we get real proud of ourselves, and we think we are really strong. We use the expression, "Show them what you are made of?" That means to show the other person just how strong and smart we are. Unfortunately, we are not as strong as we think. We are not very smart, either, if we think we are superior in strength. David knew the truth about what we are made of. He reminded us of this, so we would never forget. (Psalm 103:13,14) However, the most important thing is that God knows what we are made of, and He has compassion on us like a father for his children. Let's see just what God told David.
We have all seen the compassion of a father for his children. When a father sees the limitations of a son or daughter, he helps them to overcome those limitations to be able to accomplish what they need to do. Like when they play ball together, and the father throws the ball more slowly or runs more slowly himself, to give his child a chance in the game. That is how God is toward us as His children. When we fear Him, trusting Jesus as our lord and Savior, God has compassion on us. He helps us with everything, so we can live the Christian life well. He does this because He knows we are made out of dust. Remember what the Bible says in Genesis 2:7? God used the dust of the ground to form the first human being, Adam . Then, He breathed life into that body giving Adam a spirit and a soul. We are all still made out of the same elements. Our bodies are breaking down from the day we are born. However, since God knows that, if we will trust Him, He will make us strong enough to do whatever His will is for us. Isn't God good! His compassion is amazing!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 105-107.
We have all seen the compassion of a father for his children. When a father sees the limitations of a son or daughter, he helps them to overcome those limitations to be able to accomplish what they need to do. Like when they play ball together, and the father throws the ball more slowly or runs more slowly himself, to give his child a chance in the game. That is how God is toward us as His children. When we fear Him, trusting Jesus as our lord and Savior, God has compassion on us. He helps us with everything, so we can live the Christian life well. He does this because He knows we are made out of dust. Remember what the Bible says in Genesis 2:7? God used the dust of the ground to form the first human being, Adam . Then, He breathed life into that body giving Adam a spirit and a soul. We are all still made out of the same elements. Our bodies are breaking down from the day we are born. However, since God knows that, if we will trust Him, He will make us strong enough to do whatever His will is for us. Isn't God good! His compassion is amazing!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 105-107.