Prophesying through Music
King David was a musician. He composed over half of the songs in the book of Psalms, plus many others. He skillfully played the harp and other instruments, as well. He knew very well the powerful effect music had on people. Therefore he set aside a large group of Levites who were skillful in music to prophesy accompanied by lyres, harps, and cymbals. (I Chronicles 25:1,7) This group of 288 people along with their relatives performed their service to the people of God through music. I am so glad we continue this service in the church today, because it has enriched my life and the lives of countless others.
To prophesy is "to speak forth God's word." It is not only to foretell the future by revelation of God. A musician who serves the Lord does not entertain people or seek to get them fired up through music. The musical accompaniment of the instruments is a vehicle to deliver God's Word to the people, so they will remember the Word and engage in worship of the Lord through His Word. Music is meant to compliment the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. This is true for vocal music and the use of all types of instruments. Just think of all of the great songs you know that are based on the Bible and the doctrines taught in God's Word. They stick in our minds for many years, and we recall them in times of need. I praise God for His creation of music, and the fact that He calls people into the service of prophesying with music.
I can't wait for our worship time today, as we hear God's Word in the songs, we sing God's Word in our songs, and as we praise the Risen Christ in song. I hope you will join with me in doing that on this Easter Sunday. He is Risen, indeed!
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 28-29 and II Chronicles 1.
To prophesy is "to speak forth God's word." It is not only to foretell the future by revelation of God. A musician who serves the Lord does not entertain people or seek to get them fired up through music. The musical accompaniment of the instruments is a vehicle to deliver God's Word to the people, so they will remember the Word and engage in worship of the Lord through His Word. Music is meant to compliment the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. This is true for vocal music and the use of all types of instruments. Just think of all of the great songs you know that are based on the Bible and the doctrines taught in God's Word. They stick in our minds for many years, and we recall them in times of need. I praise God for His creation of music, and the fact that He calls people into the service of prophesying with music.
I can't wait for our worship time today, as we hear God's Word in the songs, we sing God's Word in our songs, and as we praise the Risen Christ in song. I hope you will join with me in doing that on this Easter Sunday. He is Risen, indeed!
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 28-29 and II Chronicles 1.