The Battle is the Lord's
The young shepherd named David went against the seasoned warrior who was a giant, because David knew that he could trust God to hand over Goliath to Israel. (I Samuel 17:45.47) It was a matter of knowing God and having faith in His power. We have all heard this story many times, but have we heard exactly what it says? We need to hear it, let it sink in, and begin to operate in the same way that David won this spectacular victory. Then, we can live in victory every day, because our battles should always be the Lord's battles.
David heard Goliath defy the One True God, the God of Israel. Since David knew the Lord well, he was sure that God would act to defend His name against this defiance. He knew that was God's character, so David went against the giant in the "name of the Lord." That meant that David knew it was God's will for him to stand up to Goliath, and he knew he could count on God to provide what he needed to defeat him. However, I do not think that David knew just how it would happen. Remember, he chose five smooth stones to cast at Goliath with his trusted sling. He did not know if it would take one or five, but he knew from his experience of killing bears and lions that God would hand Goliath over to them in the confrontation. That is where his faith kicked in. He trusted God to fight the battle through him, so he could vindicate His holy name and show His power to all of those assembled there. Therefore, all of us must fight the battles of life to defend the Lord's name and to prove that He is the All-powerful Lord of all. When we do that in faith, He will fight for us and give us victory over any enemy.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 18-20.
David heard Goliath defy the One True God, the God of Israel. Since David knew the Lord well, he was sure that God would act to defend His name against this defiance. He knew that was God's character, so David went against the giant in the "name of the Lord." That meant that David knew it was God's will for him to stand up to Goliath, and he knew he could count on God to provide what he needed to defeat him. However, I do not think that David knew just how it would happen. Remember, he chose five smooth stones to cast at Goliath with his trusted sling. He did not know if it would take one or five, but he knew from his experience of killing bears and lions that God would hand Goliath over to them in the confrontation. That is where his faith kicked in. He trusted God to fight the battle through him, so he could vindicate His holy name and show His power to all of those assembled there. Therefore, all of us must fight the battles of life to defend the Lord's name and to prove that He is the All-powerful Lord of all. When we do that in faith, He will fight for us and give us victory over any enemy.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 18-20.