No Greater Joy

We have all kinds of things in our lives that bring us joy. I am referring to the joy the Lord gives, not simply happiness. I have found that some of the most joy filled times in my life have had to do with my children. Of course, seeing them being born into this world brought great joy to my heart. Then, when they became believers, I was filled with joy. However, to see them walking in the truth of the Lord on a daily basis as they love Him and serve Him is a source of amazing joy. John uses this reality to get across a spiritual point in his third letter. (III John 4) I pray that we have all known the type of joy John mentions, too.

John usually refers to the believers to whom he is writing as "my little children." He does this because he was their spiritual father in the Lord. He had shared the gospel with them and had seen them become born again. What a joyous day it is for any of us to know that we have been used by God to help bring another soul into God's family. However, in this verse John said that he had no greater joy than to hear that his children were walking in the truth. The joy of seeing them become  believers was fantastic, but equal to that joy was the joy of seeing them become mature in their faith, so that they were walking in the truth. That is when the spiritual parents really knows that they have seen God accomplish His will for those children. There is a sense of fulfillment and awe to see the baby Christians grow into spiritual adults. Have you had this joy? If not, I pray that would be your intention now and in the New Year. It will definitely increase your joy.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jude and Revelation 1-3.

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