A Father's Influence
There is no way to over estimate the influence of a father on his children. I believe this is especially true for the influence of a father on his sons. Our children learn by seeing what we do and by knowing our heart, much more than by what we say. However, both words and actions are essential in passing on our beliefs and experiences. King Jotham did what was right, just like his father, Uzziah, had done before him.(II Kings 15:32,34) What do you remember about your father that is instilled in you to this day?
King Uzziah was the king when Isaiah began his ministry. When Uzziah died, the prophet wondered what would happen to the country, since this righteous man was gone. That is when he went to the temple and had that great vision of the Lord high and lifted up.(Isaiah 6:1-8) It was God's way of telling Him that He was in control. Then, Jotham took over the throne and continued the good work of his father. Now, that does not always happen, but if a father is a bad influence, it is less likely that his son will turn out right than if the father is a good influence, for the son to turn out badly. We need strong families today with fathers who set the standard of righteousness for their children. That would help cure a lot of the problems we have in our country.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 16-18.
King Uzziah was the king when Isaiah began his ministry. When Uzziah died, the prophet wondered what would happen to the country, since this righteous man was gone. That is when he went to the temple and had that great vision of the Lord high and lifted up.(Isaiah 6:1-8) It was God's way of telling Him that He was in control. Then, Jotham took over the throne and continued the good work of his father. Now, that does not always happen, but if a father is a bad influence, it is less likely that his son will turn out right than if the father is a good influence, for the son to turn out badly. We need strong families today with fathers who set the standard of righteousness for their children. That would help cure a lot of the problems we have in our country.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 16-18.