Moving at God's Direction
God told Moses it was time to move out with the people of Israel. He showed them when to go and where to go by His presence in the cloud by day and the fire by night over the tabernacle. When the cloud lifted from the tabernacle they would break camp and follow it until it came down. Then, they would camped whether it was a day or two or a month, they followed the commands of the Lord. (Numbers 9:18) This is a great reminder for us.
Why do we go where we go when we go? Is it at the command of the Lord or under His direction? If not, it should be. We are His servants, and He is our Master, so we should be sensitive to what He wants us to do and when. We need to get adept at recognizing His voice and His leading, so we will not stay in the wrong place or go to the wrong place. If we do, it leads us into many difficulties that could have been avoided. Let's all tell God that we want to move at His direction and stop moving at His direction. Then, let's be sensitive and watch for what He will tell us or show us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 11-14.
Why do we go where we go when we go? Is it at the command of the Lord or under His direction? If not, it should be. We are His servants, and He is our Master, so we should be sensitive to what He wants us to do and when. We need to get adept at recognizing His voice and His leading, so we will not stay in the wrong place or go to the wrong place. If we do, it leads us into many difficulties that could have been avoided. Let's all tell God that we want to move at His direction and stop moving at His direction. Then, let's be sensitive and watch for what He will tell us or show us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 11-14.