Jacob's Blessing for Judah
Before Jacob died in Egypt, he called for all of his sons, so he could give each his appropriate blessing. Some were very good, while others were very poor because of their character flaws. One was the best of all twelve sons. It was Judah. Jacob let Judah know that the scepter and rulers staff would not depart from his descendants until tribute and obedience had come to them. (Genesis 49:10) Let's think of what this prophetic blessing was all about.
David was of the tribe of Judah. He became the second king of Israel, and he was a man after God's own heart. Before he died, God blessed David by telling him that his descendants would occupy the throne forever, as long as they were faithful to Him. They became the rulers of God's people. God kept His promise. In fact, God sent Jesus as a descendant of David and from the tribe of Judah. He came to die for us and to be our Savior, but He came to be the King of a spiritual kingdom as well. Therefore, people give Jesus the tribute due His name, and they obey Him, as well, like they did their earthly kings, but even more, since He is Lord of all. Therefore, God blessed Judah for his righteousness, and He will bless us and our descendants if we are righteous, too. I hope each of us will consider what kind of blessing God would pronounce over us? What will those who follow after us gain from being one of our offspring? I pray that we will leave a lasting legacy to our children and grandchildren, so they will be used greatly by the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 49 and Exodus 1-2.
David was of the tribe of Judah. He became the second king of Israel, and he was a man after God's own heart. Before he died, God blessed David by telling him that his descendants would occupy the throne forever, as long as they were faithful to Him. They became the rulers of God's people. God kept His promise. In fact, God sent Jesus as a descendant of David and from the tribe of Judah. He came to die for us and to be our Savior, but He came to be the King of a spiritual kingdom as well. Therefore, people give Jesus the tribute due His name, and they obey Him, as well, like they did their earthly kings, but even more, since He is Lord of all. Therefore, God blessed Judah for his righteousness, and He will bless us and our descendants if we are righteous, too. I hope each of us will consider what kind of blessing God would pronounce over us? What will those who follow after us gain from being one of our offspring? I pray that we will leave a lasting legacy to our children and grandchildren, so they will be used greatly by the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 49 and Exodus 1-2.