Getting Our Attention
God knows just how to get our attention. When He does, we need to turn aside to listen closely to Him. That is our choice, but if we fail to listen, we will miss His will and His blessings. We see that in Moses' life. He was a shepherd in the hot desert. He saw many bushes catch on fire, but usually, they burned up quickly. However, God caused a bush to burn near Moses, and the bush did not burn up. That got Moses' attention, so he turned aside and heard from the Lord. His heart was soft, so he did not miss God's directions. (Exodus 3:3,4) I wonder if God is trying to get our attention?
God is constantly wanting to communicate with His children. He knows just how to speak to us. I like to say that it is not necessarily an audible voice; it is louder than that. In other words, when we hear God speak, we know just what He is saying. The problem is that we could be ignoring Him when He gets our attention. We may have hard hearts that fail to listen, or we may be too busy to stop what we are doing to hear from Him. Whatever the case, God tries to get through to us all of the time. He is a Good Father, and He always directs His children in the right way. We can be rebellious, hard headed children who don't listen. Then, He has to punish us, sometimes severely. Please, watch for the things around you that God does to get your attention, so you can turn aside and hear from Him with a heart to obey, saying, "Here I am."
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 6-8.
God is constantly wanting to communicate with His children. He knows just how to speak to us. I like to say that it is not necessarily an audible voice; it is louder than that. In other words, when we hear God speak, we know just what He is saying. The problem is that we could be ignoring Him when He gets our attention. We may have hard hearts that fail to listen, or we may be too busy to stop what we are doing to hear from Him. Whatever the case, God tries to get through to us all of the time. He is a Good Father, and He always directs His children in the right way. We can be rebellious, hard headed children who don't listen. Then, He has to punish us, sometimes severely. Please, watch for the things around you that God does to get your attention, so you can turn aside and hear from Him with a heart to obey, saying, "Here I am."
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 6-8.