A Miraculous Turn of Events
The historical account of Moses' life in the Bible is nothing short of amazing. It demonstrates God's ability to take a very bad situation and turn it into a fantastic situation, if we will just trust Him. Moses mother knew that Pharaoh had ordered the male children of the Israelites to be thrown into the Nile river to drown. She hid her newborn as long as she could, but then, she made a small ark of reeds and tar into which she placed her son, putting him in the river. She had her daughter watch from nearby. Of course, Pharaoh's daughter came, had pity on the crying child, and allowed his sister to bring a nurse for the child. The nurse was Moses' mother. However, not only was the life of the baby saved, Moses' mother was paid to nurse him until he was weaned, and then he became the son of Pharaoh's daughter, to live in the palace of the king of Egypt. (Exodus 2:9) What a miraculous turn of events!
God did that for Moses, but He is ready to do that for any of us who are faithful to Him. He has a way of making an impossible situation turn out even better than we could have ever imagined. He did it over and over again in the Bible's account of His blessings to believers down through history, and He continues to do it today. I told my friend today that I went to Baylor University in Waco Texas, which was about 1,000 miles from my home. I knew no one in Texas except a great aunt in Amarillo. However, God sent me a friend as an answer to my prayer on move in day for the dorms, and it was through that new friend God supplied my first ministry position less than 2 months later just 10 miles from my dorm at Downsville Baptist Church as their Youth and Music director. That was a miraculous turn of events in my life, and I know he can do it for any of us who are walking in His will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 3-5.
God did that for Moses, but He is ready to do that for any of us who are faithful to Him. He has a way of making an impossible situation turn out even better than we could have ever imagined. He did it over and over again in the Bible's account of His blessings to believers down through history, and He continues to do it today. I told my friend today that I went to Baylor University in Waco Texas, which was about 1,000 miles from my home. I knew no one in Texas except a great aunt in Amarillo. However, God sent me a friend as an answer to my prayer on move in day for the dorms, and it was through that new friend God supplied my first ministry position less than 2 months later just 10 miles from my dorm at Downsville Baptist Church as their Youth and Music director. That was a miraculous turn of events in my life, and I know he can do it for any of us who are walking in His will.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 3-5.