Bread from Heaven
Wouldn't it be great for God to rain down free bread for us from Heaven every morning, so that we had plenty for each day? Well, the truth is that all we have comes from God, so He does rain down what we need, if we trust Him and follow His instructions. In fact, He gives us good things like He gave Manna to the Israelites in the wilderness to test us to see if we will obey Him. (Exodus 16:4) How are we doing on that test?
God gave the bread from Heaven with very specific rules. They were to gather only enough for each day, so they had to trust that it would be there the next morning. Then, they found out if they tried to collect more, God took away the extra, and if they failed to get quite enough, God would cause it to be enough. Also, on Friday, they were to gather enough for two days, so they did not gather or cook on the Sabbath day. It was amazing, because on the other days any left over would stink badly and have to be thrown out. That was not the case on Friday and Saturday, though. Therefore, God could see their hearts by how the listened and obeyed Him.
The same is true today. Do you follow God's rules for how to manage your money and all of the resources He gives you? If you do, He will bless it. If not, He will take it away. He still gauges our hearts by how we manage what He gives us. It is all His. We are just the managers, so we have to be faithful to do what the Owner wants us to do. Then, He will be pleased with us and bless us more.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 17-19.
God gave the bread from Heaven with very specific rules. They were to gather only enough for each day, so they had to trust that it would be there the next morning. Then, they found out if they tried to collect more, God took away the extra, and if they failed to get quite enough, God would cause it to be enough. Also, on Friday, they were to gather enough for two days, so they did not gather or cook on the Sabbath day. It was amazing, because on the other days any left over would stink badly and have to be thrown out. That was not the case on Friday and Saturday, though. Therefore, God could see their hearts by how the listened and obeyed Him.
The same is true today. Do you follow God's rules for how to manage your money and all of the resources He gives you? If you do, He will bless it. If not, He will take it away. He still gauges our hearts by how we manage what He gives us. It is all His. We are just the managers, so we have to be faithful to do what the Owner wants us to do. Then, He will be pleased with us and bless us more.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 17-19.