The Second Coming of Christ
As I said yesterday, today we read about how Jesus will come again to this earth and end the battle of Armageddon, and set up His kingdom on this earth. It is a glorious description of our Lord and Savior returning to assert His authority, punish those who refused to surrender to Him as Lord, and to reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. (Revelation 19:15,16) This account shows us the end of life on this earth as we know it now, and believe me, you do not want to be on the wrong side of this conflict. Consider what God is going to do.
God will bring down the world system, so that the economy of the world is destroyed. The armies of the kings will gather to attack Israel, and Jesus will return on a white horse. We will follow Him with our white robes, having already had the Marriage Feast of the Lamb with Him for all believers. Then, Jesus will swoop down to kill all of the armies of the nations using the sword that proceeds from His mouth. That is a clear reference to the Word of God. Just like God spoke the worlds into existence, He will speak these armies out of existence. Jesus will rule those who are left alive with an iron rod. As He rides in, His name will be evident, because it will be on His robe and on His thigh, so all who see Him pass can read it. It will say "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." That is who Jesus is, and we all need to bow our knees before Him in repentance and faith, so we will be returning with Him, not facing His wrath.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 20-22.
God will bring down the world system, so that the economy of the world is destroyed. The armies of the kings will gather to attack Israel, and Jesus will return on a white horse. We will follow Him with our white robes, having already had the Marriage Feast of the Lamb with Him for all believers. Then, Jesus will swoop down to kill all of the armies of the nations using the sword that proceeds from His mouth. That is a clear reference to the Word of God. Just like God spoke the worlds into existence, He will speak these armies out of existence. Jesus will rule those who are left alive with an iron rod. As He rides in, His name will be evident, because it will be on His robe and on His thigh, so all who see Him pass can read it. It will say "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." That is who Jesus is, and we all need to bow our knees before Him in repentance and faith, so we will be returning with Him, not facing His wrath.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 20-22.