How Believers Overcome Satan
The time of the Tribulation will be the worst days in the history of the world. Satan will be denied access to God's presence in heaven and cast down to the earth until he is thrown into the pit for 1,000 years. During that time, he will try to kill all of the believers in any way possible. However, John showed us how they will be able to overcome the accuser of the brethren. (Revelation 12:11) We all need to hear what the keys are to defeating the Devil.
They overcame him by "the blood of the Lamb." Jesus defeated Satan on the Cross, when He died for us and rose again. Now Satan is a defeated foe. When He comes against us, we can stand firm in the authority of the blood of Jesus and His power. The reason believers can do that is the word of our testimony. When we trust Jesus as Lord and Savior, and we confess Him before others as Lord, we are adopted into the family of God, and we belong to the Lord. That relationship gives us access to His authority and power, since we are children of God. Finally, they overcame because they "did not love their life even when they faced death." They were courageous and trusting in the Lord even when they were about to be killed. They never wavered in their faith. That is the kind of faith that saves us and that overcomes Satan, even if he takes our life, because we go straight to be with Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 14-16.
They overcame him by "the blood of the Lamb." Jesus defeated Satan on the Cross, when He died for us and rose again. Now Satan is a defeated foe. When He comes against us, we can stand firm in the authority of the blood of Jesus and His power. The reason believers can do that is the word of our testimony. When we trust Jesus as Lord and Savior, and we confess Him before others as Lord, we are adopted into the family of God, and we belong to the Lord. That relationship gives us access to His authority and power, since we are children of God. Finally, they overcame because they "did not love their life even when they faced death." They were courageous and trusting in the Lord even when they were about to be killed. They never wavered in their faith. That is the kind of faith that saves us and that overcomes Satan, even if he takes our life, because we go straight to be with Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 14-16.