Blaming God

The book of Job is so great, because it has many spiritual principles that help us in so many ways, if we will just learn them, and apply them in our lives. Even though Job lost all 10 of his children and his considerable possessions, he did not sin or blame God. (Job 1:21,22) That is a remarkable statement. Most people would have been very upset with God. They would have sinned by what they said and did to show their anger, and they would have blamed God for their calamities. Job knew better than that.

God was the Lord of Job's life. He was a righteous man before the Lord, and he did what it took to stay right with Him each day.He knew that by virtue of being the Lord and his Lord, God could do whatever He thought best for Job and for the world. After all, God is all-wise and all-loving. Therefore, He never does the wrong thing, and He never quits caring for us, no matter how much we hurt because of the troubles which we encounter.

God gives and takes away. We came into the world with nothing, and we will leave with nothing. Therefore, the whole of life is wrapped up in knowing and serving Him, while preparing for what He has for us in eternity. If we are prepared to go to Heaven by trusting the Lord as our personal Savior and Lord, nothing really bad can happen to us, because when we leave here, we are with Him in glory. That is why we should never blame God, but always say, "Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 2-4.

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