God's Word Never Fails
One of the greatest truths that we can ever learn is that God's Word never fails. We are tempted to trust in many people and things, besides fully trusting the Lord. All people will fail us at some point. All of the things of this world that we can trust will also fall short of perfection. That is why we need to trust the perfect Word of God and know that when God speaks, He always makes sure it comes to pass as He said it. Joshua reminded the people of this before he died. (Joshua 23:14) I am sure that many of us need this reminder, too.
When Jesus came, He did not come to change God's Word or to destroy it. He came to fulfill it. In fact, He affirmed that none of the Law or the Prophets would pass away until even the smallest points were fulfilled. (Matthew 5:17-18) The Law and the Prophets was another way to say the Old Testament Scriptures, so Jesus affirmed the truth of all of the books of the Old Testament. Then, Paul assured Timothy that all of the words of God which were written by the inspiration of God were for our profit, so that each of us could be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work. (II Timothy 3:16,17) That is why we need to know God's Word and base our lives on it. It is eternal truth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 24 and Judges 1-2.
When Jesus came, He did not come to change God's Word or to destroy it. He came to fulfill it. In fact, He affirmed that none of the Law or the Prophets would pass away until even the smallest points were fulfilled. (Matthew 5:17-18) The Law and the Prophets was another way to say the Old Testament Scriptures, so Jesus affirmed the truth of all of the books of the Old Testament. Then, Paul assured Timothy that all of the words of God which were written by the inspiration of God were for our profit, so that each of us could be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work. (II Timothy 3:16,17) That is why we need to know God's Word and base our lives on it. It is eternal truth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 24 and Judges 1-2.