Today, we go to the other extreme from yesterday's post. Heaven, or the New Jerusalem, will be the dwelling place of all whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. All who know Christ as Lord and Savior will dwell in the place Jesus has prepared for us, and it will be glorious. Some people ask, "Where is Heaven?" Heaven is where God is. He will make His tabernacle with us, and all of the former things of this life will have passed away. (Revelation 21:3,4) We will live with Him in perfection for eternity.
Of course, we have heard a lot about the streets of gold and the gates of pearl. However, the greatest feature of Heaven is being with God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We will be able to bask in His glory all of the time, since there will be no night there, because of the brightness of the glory of God. There will be no tears in heaven, no death, or sorrow, or crying. This is true because there will never be any sin or corruption in Heaven. All of the sinful things of this world will have been burned up. Once they are gone, God will make all things new, and He will be there with His angels to keep them new. We will worship Him and reign with Him forever.
This is not a myth or a wishful hope. It is a sure hope, because the One who died for us and rose again promised that we would be with Him in the place He prepared for us.(John 14:1-6) He is Lord, and He is truth. I pray that we all know Him, and if not, you will trust Him very soon.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 1-3. (In 2017 I will be reading and quoting from the New American Standard Bible for a change. It is a very accurate translation and perhaps the best one to use to study the Bible for that reason.)
Of course, we have heard a lot about the streets of gold and the gates of pearl. However, the greatest feature of Heaven is being with God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We will be able to bask in His glory all of the time, since there will be no night there, because of the brightness of the glory of God. There will be no tears in heaven, no death, or sorrow, or crying. This is true because there will never be any sin or corruption in Heaven. All of the sinful things of this world will have been burned up. Once they are gone, God will make all things new, and He will be there with His angels to keep them new. We will worship Him and reign with Him forever.
This is not a myth or a wishful hope. It is a sure hope, because the One who died for us and rose again promised that we would be with Him in the place He prepared for us.(John 14:1-6) He is Lord, and He is truth. I pray that we all know Him, and if not, you will trust Him very soon.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 1-3. (In 2017 I will be reading and quoting from the New American Standard Bible for a change. It is a very accurate translation and perhaps the best one to use to study the Bible for that reason.)